"Peace is what you choose to make of it, and there is always a choice."

This software was created by request of several dear colleagues who had serious problems with their daily frustrations at their workplace and at home. From dealing with people daily that were aggravated and generally living day-to-day with worries in life, they were being alienated from friends, making themselves depressed and generally not allowing them to see life as best they could.

By getting a team together, we decided to see if we could help at all, and we began by looking up resources and various professional literature on the psychology of stress. We came to a general conclusion.

Looking up ways to keep calm, itself is stressful. Theres too much rules out there to remember.

We decided to take a different approach. We focused on what makes us happy in life and what made us feel enlightened in times gone by. We looked at what calms each of us down personally. Things like reminding ourselves to see our friends, taking time out, being polite and giving without expectations, and introducing new events now and then in our life - these all keep our minds fresh. Now what if we could carry those reminders with us wherever we go?

Hence here is a collection of over 100+ opinions and thoughts which are formed from a variety of normal, everyday, hard working people, and what they suggest that you consider to keep calm.

We call this user-designed software, your way of thinking software.

“Some of the things in this app are so simple, i felt humbled for not remembering how to be like that...thanks.”

We always welcome suggestions for improving our software so contact us if you have suggestions for this program and we would consider it for inclusion in subsequent versions. As for colour scheme, we chose a light sky blue with one puffy cloud for an icon, because we should aim to only ever deal with one thing at a time, and the skies the limit to the human potential.

The software was developed by Tigerlily Digital. We provide mobile knowledge software on the mass mobile marketplace, in a number of countries, and on as many devices that we can.



mobile knowledge at your fingertips